The Science Faculty of JSM College was established in 2000-01, with the introduction of the pure science subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Botany. Over the years the Science Departments have grown in number, offering new subjects, to keep abreast with global trends. The Science Departments aim of inculcating a scientific temper amongst its students by providing an exposure through seminars, workshops and visits to Research and Development institutions.
The events followed on into a poster competition that did succeed in lightening a spark of curiosity about various topics with memorable ones being telescopic illustrations, scientists of history, etc.
Another event featured a quiz which was equally challenging and educational. Highlight of the day was professor’s quiz where our esteemed faculty tested their polished wits in a display of class.
- To develop analytical abilities towards real world problems
- To familiarize with current and recent scientific and technological developments
- To enrich knowledge through problem solving, hands on activities, study visits, projects etc.
Course Outcome
Physics –I (Classical physics)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Understand Newton’s laws and apply them in calculations of the motion of simple systems.
- Use the free body diagrams to analyze the forces on the object.
- Understand the concepts of friction and the concepts of elasticity, fluid mechanics and be able to perform calculations using them.
- Understand the concepts of lens system and interference.
- Apply the laws of thermodynamics to formulate the relations necessary to analyze a thermodynamic process.
- Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.
Physics – II (Modern Physics)
Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course students will be able to
- Understand nuclear properties and nuclear behavior.
- Understand the type isotopes and their applications.
- Demonstrate and understand the quantum mechanical concepts.
- Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered
Practical -I Sem – I
Leaning Outcome:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- i) To demonstrate their practical skills.
- ii) To understand and practice the skills while doing physics practical.
iii) To understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear.
- iv) To correlate their physics theory concepts through practical.
- v) Understand the concepts of errors and their estimation.
Physics – I Sem – II (Mathematical Physics )
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Understand the basic mathematical concepts and applications of them in physical situations.
- Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.
Practical -II Sem – II
Leaning Outcome:
- i) To understand and practice the skills while doing physics practical.
- ii) To understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear.
iii) To correlate their physics theory concepts through practical.
- iv) Understand the concepts of errors and their estimation.
S.Y.B.Sc. program objective :-
Objective :
Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- a thorough quantitative and conceptual understanding of the core areas of physics, including mechanics, , thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, electronics at a level compatible with graduate programs in physics at peer institutions.
- The ability to analyze and interpret quantitative results, both in the core areas of physics and interdisciplinary areas.
- The ability to use contemporary experimental apparatus and analysis tools to acquire, analyze and interpret scientific data.
- The ability to apply the principles of physics to solve new and unfamiliar problems.
- The ability to communicate scientific results effectively in presentations or posters.
- To develop analytical abilities towards real world problems
- To familiarize with current and recent scientific and technological developments
- To enrich knowledge through problem solving hands on activities, study visits, projects etc.
Course Outcome :-
USPH301 : Mechanics and thermodynamics
Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to :
- i) Understand the concepts of mechanics & properties of matter & to apply them to problems.
- ii) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in physical situation.
iii) Learn about situations in low temperature.
- iv) Demonstrate tentative problem solving skills in all above areas.
USPH302 : Vector calculus, Analog Electronics
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the basic concepts of mathematical physics and their applications in physical situations.
2) Understand the basic laws of electrodynamics and be able to perform calculations using them.
3) Understand the basics of transistor biasing, operational amplifiers, their applications
4) Understand the basic concepts of oscillators and be able to perform calculations using them.
5) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skill in all the topics covered.
USPH303 : Applied Physics – I
Learning Outcomes :
On completion of this, it is expected that
- i) Students will be exposed to contextual real life situations.
- ii) Students will appreciate the role of Physics in ‘interdisciplinary areas related to materials, Bio Physics, Acoustics etc.
iii) The learner will understand the scope of the subject in Industry & Research.
- iv) Experimental learning opportunities will faster creative thinking & a spirit of inquiry.
USPHP3: Practical course -3
Learning outcomes :
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
- i) Understand &practice the skills while performing experiments.
- ii) Understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear& hesitation.
iii) Correlate the physics theory concepts to practical application.
- iv) Understand the concept of errors and their estimation.
USPH401 :Optics and Digital Electronics
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the diffraction and polarization processes and applications of them in physical situations.
2) Understand the applications of interference in design and working of interferometers.
3) Understand the resolving power of different optical instruments.\
4) Understand the working of digital circuits
5) Use IC 555 time for various timing applications.
6) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.
Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the postulates of quantum mechanics and to understand its importance in explaining significant phenomena in Physics.
2) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.
USPH403: Applied Physics II
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to :
- i) Understand the concepts of mechanics & properties of matter & to apply them to problems.
- ii) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in physical situation.
iii) Learn about situations in low temperature.
- iv) Demonstrate tentative problem solving skills in all above areas.
Professor Name | Designation | Experience | More Info of Teacher | Profile |
![]() Dr. S. S. Dongre |
M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D. | 14 | More Info.. | Click here CV |
![]() Mr.Nitin Choudhari |
M.Sc, M.C.A,NET | 4 | Click here CV |